Welcome to British Recipes Book, the ultimate guide to exploring delicious dishes by famous chefs from the UK and beyond. Whether you are looking for iconic flavors, culinary artistry, or easy-to-make creations, you will find them all here.

Our Story

British Recipes Book is the result of a lifelong love affair with British food. It all started when Ekani Ella, an Indian writer and a foodie, moved to London in 2020. She was amazed by the variety and quality of British cuisine, which was much more than fish and chips or roast beef. She discovered that British food was influenced by many cultures and regions, from India to Italy, from Scotland to Cornwall. She also learned that British food was constantly evolving and innovating, thanks to the creativity and talent of some of the world’s best chefs.

Ekani decided to share her discoveries and experiences with other food lovers around the world. She began by collecting and trying out recipes from some of the most famous and popular British chefs, such as Mary Berry, Ina Garten, Alton Brown, Bobby Flay, Jamie Oliver, Delia Smith, Michael Symon, Paula Deen, and Gordon Ramsay. She also added her own twists and tips to make them more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. She then created this blog to showcase her collection of recipes, along with stunning photos and helpful videos.

About the Author

Ekani Ella, the founder and editor of British Recipes Book, is an Indian writer and baking expert residing in London. Her journalistic background enriches her exploration of new cuisines and cultures, a passion that deeply influences her writing and cooking. Ekani’s culinary journey began in her grandmother’s kitchen in India, where she was introduced to the art of flavor combination—a skill that now forms the foundation of her expertise in British cuisine. Her grandmother, a true culinary wizard, taught her the significance of food as a nourishment source, a connector of people, and a form of personal expression.

British cuisine, as Ekani discovered, is a vibrant mosaic of global influences, reflecting Britain’s historical connections and modern diversity. The integration of Indian spices into traditional British dishes, such as the transformation of chicken tikka into chicken tikka masala, showcases the beautiful blend of cultures. Similarly, Italian-inspired British adaptations, such as the popularization of spaghetti bolognese, highlight the cuisine’s adaptability and openness to global flavors.

In her writings for British Recipes Book, Ekani not only lists renowned chefs like Mary Berry, Jamie Oliver, and Gordon Ramsay but also explores how their culinary philosophies and specific recipes have shaped her approach to British food. Mary Berry’s emphasis on simplicity and elegance in baking has inspired Ekani to create recipes that are both accessible and sophisticated, appealing to both novice cooks and seasoned foodies. Jamie Oliver’s advocacy for fresh, local ingredients echoes through the blog’s focus on quality and sustainability. Gordon Ramsay’s innovative twists on classic dishes encourage creativity and experimentation, principles that are central to Ekani’s culinary ethos.

Through the British Recipes Book, Ekani aspires to connect food lovers around the world with the rich tapestry of British cuisine, emphasizing its evolution and the diverse cultural influences that make it uniquely dynamic. Her mission is to inspire and empower readers to explore the depths of British food, moving beyond stereotypes to discover the cuisine’s true diversity and innovation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and empower you to discover and enjoy the best of British cuisine. We want to show you that British food is not boring or bland, but rather diverse and delicious. We want to help you create amazing dishes that will impress your family and friends, or simply satisfy your cravings.

Our Goals

Our goals are to provide you with:

  • High-quality recipes that are authentic, tested, and easy to follow
  • Useful information and tips on ingredients, techniques, and variations
  • Interesting stories and facts about the chefs and the dishes
  • A friendly and supportive community of fellow foodies

Join Us

If you love British food as much as we do, then join us today! You can:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest recipes and updates delivered to your inbox
  • Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to see more photos and videos of our dishes
  • Contact us if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions
  • Share your creations with us by using the hashtag #britishrecipesbook on social media

We can’t wait to hear from you! Thank you for visiting the British Recipes Book! 😊
