James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket Recipe

James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket Recipe
Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 8 Hr Total Time: 8 Hr 15 Mins

Today, I’m going to share with you a delicious recipe for James Martin’s cooked Brisket. This is a perfect dish for a cozy weekend or a special occasion, as it is tender, juicy, and full of flavor. You will love how easy it is to make this brisket, as you just need to sear it, add some ingredients, and let it cook low and slow in the oven or a slow cooker. The result is a melt-in-your-mouth brisket that will impress your guests and family. Let’s get started!

What is brisket and why is it good for slow cooking?

Brisket is a cut of beef that comes from the lower chest or breast of the animal. It is a tough and lean cut, as it supports much of the weight of the animal. Because of this, brisket needs to be cooked for a long time at a low temperature, which helps to break down the connective tissue and make it tender. Slow cooking also allows the brisket to absorb the flavors of the liquid and the spices, resulting in a rich and savory dish.

What is James Martin’s Slow-Cooked Brisket?

James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket is a recipe that involves cooking a cut of beef called brisket for a long time at a low temperature, either in the oven or in a slow cooker. The brisket becomes very tender and juicy and absorbs the flavors of the liquid and the spices that are added to it. The recipe is named after James Martin, a famous British chef and television presenter, who popularized this dish on his show

Consider these Recipes:

Why You Love this Recipe

This James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket stands out for its:

  • Simplicity: With minimal steps involving searing and slow cooking, it’s a hassle-free process.
  • Customizability: The recipe’s adaptability allows for personalization with a variety of herbs, spices, and liquids.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Brisket, an affordable beef cut, makes this dish economically efficient for feeding groups.
  • Flavor Profile: Expect a dish that delivers tenderness and juiciness, complemented by a deeply savory and rich sauce.

What are the ingredients for James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket?

For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A 3-4 pound brisket
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cups of beef broth
  • 1 cup of red wine
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
  • 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper
  • Some fresh or dried herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, or bay leaves

Useful Equipment

To make the James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket recipe, the following equipment will be needed:

  • Large Oven-Safe Pan or Dutch Oven: Essential for searing the brisket and then slow cooking it in the oven. Ensure it’s large enough to accommodate the size of your brisket.
  • Slow Cooker (Optional): If you choose to cook the brisket in a slow cooker instead of an oven, a large slow cooker is needed.
  • Meat Thermometer: Crucial for ensuring the brisket reaches the correct internal temperature for optimal tenderness.
  • Sharp Knife: For trimming the brisket and slicing it post-cooking.
  • Chopping Board: Preferably large, for handling and cutting the brisket.
  • Aluminum Foil: Necessary for covering the brisket during oven cooking to retain moisture and heat.
  • Tongs: For safely turning and handling the brisket during the searing process.
  • Spatula or Wooden Spoon: Useful for stirring and deglazing the pan after searing the brisket.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: For accurately measuring the ingredients like broth, wine, and spices.
  • Mixing Bowls: Handy for preparing marinades or mixing dry rubs if used.
  • Skillet (for reheating): If you’re reheating leftovers on the stovetop.
  • Microwave-Safe Dish or Oven-Safe Dish (for reheating): Depending on your method of reheating the leftovers.

Instructions to Make James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket?

The steps for making this recipe are very simple and straightforward. Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Sear the brisket

The first step is to sear the brisket on both sides in a large oven-safe pan or Dutch oven. This will help to lock in the juices and add a nice crust to the outside of the meat. You can use some oil or butter to grease the pan and sear the brisket for 2-3 minutes on each side over medium-high heat. Then, remove the brisket from the pan and set it aside.

Step 2: Cook the onion and garlic

Next, you need to cook the onion and garlic in the same pan that you used for the brisket. This will help to scrape up the brown bits from the bottom of the pan, which will add more flavor to the dish. You can add some more oil or butter if needed, and cook the onion and garlic until they are soft and translucent, stirring occasionally.

Step 3: Add the liquid and seasonings

Now, you need to add the liquid and seasonings to the pan. You can use beef broth or stock, red wine, tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper. You can also add some fresh or dried herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, or bay leaves, to give more aroma and flavor to the dish. Stir everything well to combine, and bring the mixture to a boil.

Step 4: Return the brisket to the pan and cover with foil

The last step before cooking is to return the brisket to the pan and cover it with foil. You want to make sure that the brisket is submerged in the liquid at least halfway so that it stays moist and tender. You can also add some more broth or wine if needed, to adjust the level of the liquid. Then, cover the pan tightly with foil, and make sure that there are no gaps or holes.

James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket

How to cook James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket in the oven or a slow cooker?

You have two options for cooking this brisket: in the oven or in a slow cooker. Both methods will yield a delicious and tender brisket, but they have different cooking times and temperatures. Here is what you need to know:

Oven method

If you choose to cook the brisket in the oven, you need to preheat the oven to 350°F. Then, place the covered pan in the oven, and bake for 8-10 hours, or until the brisket is fork-tender and the internal temperature reaches 145°F. You can check the brisket every few hours, and baste it with the liquid to keep it moist. You can also remove the foil for the last hour of cooking, to brown the top of the brisket.

Slow cooker method

If you choose to cook the brisket in a slow cooker, you need to transfer the brisket and the liquid to the slow cooker and cover with the lid. Then, cook on low for 8-10 hours, or on high for 4-5 hours, or until the brisket is fork-tender and the internal temperature reaches 145°F. You don’t need to check or baste the brisket, as the slow cooker will keep it moist and tender.

How to serve James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket?

Once the brisket is cooked, you need to let it rest for 10 minutes before slicing and serving. This will help to retain the juices and the flavor of the meat. You can slice the brisket across the grain, and serve it with some of the sauce from the pan or the slow cooker. You can also strain the sauce and thicken it with some cornstarch or flour if you prefer a thicker gravy.

You can serve the brisket with any side dishes that you like, such as mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, rice, salad, or bread. You can also make some sandwiches with the leftover brisket, and enjoy them the next day.

Slow Cooked Brisket Recipe James Martin

What Do I Serve With James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket

Pairing the right sides with your brisket can enhance the meal significantly.

Consider these options:

  • Starchy Sides: Mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, or creamy polenta offer a comforting balance.
  • Vegetables: Roasted vegetables like carrots, parsnips, or Brussels sprouts add a nutritious and colorful touch.
  • Salads: A crisp green salad or a tangy coleslaw can provide a refreshing contrast to the rich meat.
  • Grains: Rice, quinoa, or couscous can be excellent for soaking up the brisket’s savory sauce.
  • Bread: Fresh, crusty bread or dinner rolls are perfect for mopping up any remaining juices on the plate.

Pro Tips to Make Perfect James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket

Enhance your brisket with these additional professional tips:

  • Trimming Fat: Trim excess fat to about ¼ inch thickness for the best balance of flavor and texture.
  • Room Temperature: Let the brisket sit at room temperature for about an hour before cooking for more even cooking.
  • Consistent Thickness: If your brisket is uneven in thickness, consider tying it with kitchen twine to ensure uniform cooking.
  • Aromatic Vegetables: Add aromatic vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions to the cooking liquid for an extra layer of flavor.
  • Deglazing: After searing, deglaze the pan with a bit of broth or wine to incorporate all the flavorful brown bits into your sauce.
  • Basting: Baste the brisket occasionally during cooking to enhance its flavor and prevent drying out.
  • Checking Doneness: Use a meat thermometer to ensure the brisket reaches the ideal internal temperature of 195°F to 205°F for optimal tenderness.
  • Slicing Against the Grain: Cut the brisket against the grain for the most tender slices.
  • Sauce Reduction: After cooking, reduce the cooking liquid to create a more concentrated and flavorful sauce.
  • Making Ahead: Cook the brisket a day ahead and refrigerate. This not only allows the flavors to develop more fully but also makes it easier to skim off any excess fat before reheating and serving.

Variations of James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket

Experiment with these variations to customize the recipe:

  • Wine Alternatives: Use beer, stout, or a non-alcoholic broth as a substitute for red wine.
  • Spice Mixes: Incorporate different spice blends like a barbecue rub or a Mexican-inspired mix for a unique twist.
  • Vegetable Additions: Include root vegetables like turnips or sweet potatoes in the cooking process for an all-in-one dish.
  • Sauce Variations: Experiment with adding a smoky BBQ sauce or a spicy Sriracha mix to the cooking liquid for different flavor profiles.

How Do I Store James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket Leftovers?

Storing leftovers properly ensures they remain delicious for subsequent meals.


  • Cool Down: Allow the brisket to cool to room temperature before storing.
  • Airtight Container: Use an airtight container to prevent drying out and absorbing other flavors from the fridge.
  • Shelf Life: Properly stored, brisket leftovers can last up to 3-4 days in the refrigerator.


  • Portion Size: Divide the brisket into portions for easier thawing.
  • Freezer-Safe Bags: Store in freezer-safe bags or containers.
  • Freezing Time: Frozen brisket can be stored for up to 3 months.

How do I reheat James Martin Slow-Cooked Brisket Leftovers?

If you want to reheat James Martin Slow Cooked Brisket leftovers, you can do it in the following ways:


  • Place the brisket and the sauce in a microwave-safe dish, and cover it with a lid or plastic wrap.
  • Microwave for 2-3 minutes, or until hot and bubbly, stirring occasionally.


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  • Place the brisket and the sauce in an oven-safe dish, and cover with foil.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until hot and bubbly, removing the foil for the last 5 minutes to brown the top of the brisket.


  • Place the brisket and the sauce in a large skillet, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until hot and bubbly, stirring occasionally.


How do I know if my brisket is cooked enough?

The best way to check if your brisket is cooked enough is to use a meat thermometer and measure the internal temperature of the meat. The brisket should reach at least 145°F, which is the safe minimum temperature for beef. You can also use a fork to test the tenderness of the meat. The brisket should be easy to shred and pull apart with a fork.

How do I make my brisket more flavorful?

There are several ways to make your brisket more flavorful, such as:

  • Marinate the brisket overnight or for a few hours before cooking, using your favorite marinade or rub.
  • Sear the brisket well on both sides before slow cooking, to create a nice crust and seal in the juices.
  • Add some aromatics, such as garlic, onion, herbs, and spices, to the liquid and the pan, to infuse the brisket with more flavor.
  • Baste the brisket with the liquid every few hours during cooking, to keep it moist and flavorful.
  • Strain and thicken the sauce after cooking, and serve it with the brisket, to add more richness and depth to the dish.

How do I prevent my brisket from drying out?

The key to preventing your brisket from drying out is to cook it low and slow and keep it moist with enough liquid.

Here are some tips to avoid a dry brisket:

  • Choose a brisket with some fat on it, as this will help to keep the meat moist and juicy.
  • Trim off any excess fat from the brisket, as this will prevent the dish from being too greasy and oily.
  • Use a large oven-safe pan Dutch oven, or slow cooker, that can fit the brisket comfortably, and make sure that the brisket is submerged in the liquid at least halfway.
  • Cover the pan tightly with foil, or use the lid of the slow cooker, and make sure that there are no gaps or holes, to prevent the steam from escaping.
  • Cook the brisket for 8-10 hours, or until it is fork-tender and the internal temperature reaches 145°F.
  • Let the brisket rest for 10 minutes before slicing and serving, to retain the juices and the flavor of the meat.

Why is my brisket still tough after 8 hours in the slow cooker?

Brisket can remain tough after 8 hours if it hasn’t reached the optimal internal temperature needed to break down connective tissues. It may require more cooking time, especially if the cut is large or the slow cooker’s temperature settings are lower than needed.

Does The Brisket In A Slow Cooker Need To Be In Liquid?

Yes, it’s advisable to have the brisket partially submerged in liquid while cooking in a slow cooker. This helps to keep the meat moist and tender, and also contributes to the flavor development of the brisket.

Can I slow-cook brisket for 12 hours?

Yes, you can slow-cook brisket for 12 hours, especially on a low setting. This extended cooking time is beneficial for larger cuts or to achieve a more tender texture.

Can brisket be overcooked in a slow cooker?

Yes, brisket can be overcooked in a slow cooker. Overcooking can lead to a dry, crumbly texture, even though the meat is in a moist environment.

Is it possible to cook brisket too slow?

Cooking brisket too slowly, especially at temperatures under 190°F, can result in a prolonged cooking process without significantly improving tenderness and might even affect the safety and texture of the meat.

How long to cook a 5kg brisket?

A 5kg brisket typically requires about 10-12 hours of cooking time in a slow cooker on low setting or about 5-6 hours in an oven set at 300°F (150°C).

What is the minimum time to cook a brisket?

The minimum time to cook a brisket to achieve tenderness typically ranges from 3-4 hours in an oven at higher temperatures (around 350°F) for a small cut, to 6-8 hours in a slow cooker on a high setting.

How long do you cook a 2kg brisket for?

A 2kg brisket usually needs about 4-6 hours of cooking in an oven set at 300°F (150°C) or 6-8 hours in a slow cooker on low setting.

How long do you cook a 7kg brisket?

For a 7kg brisket, consider cooking for approximately 14-16 hours in a slow cooker on low setting or around 7-8 hours in an oven at 300°F (150°C), ensuring the internal temperature reaches the desired tenderness range.

What Is The Best Cooking Method For Brisket?

The best cooking method for brisket is slow cooking, either in a slow cooker or oven at a low temperature. This method allows the tough fibers in the brisket to break down over time, resulting in tender, flavorful meat.

What Is The Best Liquid To Keep Brisket Moist?

Beef broth or stock is the best liquid to keep brisket moist during cooking. It complements the meat’s natural flavors. Alternatives like beer, red wine, or a mix of water with Worcestershire sauce are also great for adding moisture and flavor.

Nutrition value per serving (based on 8 servings):

  • Calories: 402 kcal
  • Fat: 14 g
  • Carbohydrates: 9 g
  • Protein: 53 g
  • Sodium: 783 mg
  • Potassium: 1010 mg
  • Iron: 5 mg
  • Calcium: 36 mg
  • Vitamin C: 3 mg


James Martin Slow Cooked-Brisket is a delicious and easy recipe that you can make in the oven or a slow cooker. It is a perfect dish for a cozy weekend or a special occasion, as it is tender, juicy, and full of flavor. You will love how simple it is to make this brisket, as you just need to sear it, add some ingredients, and let it cook low and slow. The result is a melt-in-your-mouth brisket that will impress your guests and family. I hope you enjoyed this recipe, and I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

Thank you for reading, and happy cooking!

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