Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie Recipe

Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie Recipe
Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 30 Mins Total Time: 45 Mins

If you are looking for a delicious and comforting pie recipe, you can’t go wrong with this ham and leek pie by Mary Berry. This pie is perfect for using up leftover ham from a roast or a festive meal, and it is easy to make with ready-made puff pastry. The filling is creamy and flavourful, with tender chunks of ham, soft leeks, and a hint of mustard. You can serve this pie with mashed potatoes and peas for a hearty and satisfying dinner.

In this blog post, I will show you how to make Mary Berry’s ham and leek pie step by step, with tips and tricks along the way. I will also answer some frequently asked questions about this recipe, such as how to store and reheat the pie, and what to do if you don’t have any ham.

So, let’s get started!

What is Mary Berry’s Ham And Leek Pie

Mary Berry ham and leek pie is a delicious and comforting dish that consists of a creamy and flavourful filling of cooked ham, soft leeks, and a hint of mustard, topped with a golden and flaky puff pastry crust. It is a classic British pie that is perfect for using up leftover ham from a roast or a festive meal, and it is easy to make with ready-made pastry.

Why You Love This Recipe

Some reasons why I love this recipe are:

  • It is simple, satisfying, and versatile.
  • It is a great way to use up any ham that I have in the fridge, and I can also swap it for chicken or bacon if I want.
  • The sauce is rich and creamy, but not too heavy, and the mustard adds a nice tangy kick.
  • The pastry is light and crisp, and it makes the pie look impressive and inviting.

Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie Ingredients

To make this ham and leek pie, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 large leeks, trimmed, sliced and rinsed
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp plain flour, plus extra for rolling
  • 300ml chicken stock
  • 400g cooked ham, diced (we used leftover meat from a cooked gammon joint)
  • 100ml full-fat crème fraîche
  • 1 tsp wholegrain mustard
  • 375g puff pastry, thawed if frozen
  • 1 large egg yolk, beaten


You will also need the following equipment to make this ham and leek pie:

  • A large frying pan
  • A wooden spoon or spatula
  • A pie dish (about 1.7 litre capacity)
  • A rolling pin
  • A pastry brush
  • A baking sheet
  • A small knife
  • A small funnel made from foil (optional)

Instruction to Make Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie

Here are the steps to make this ham and leek pie:

Step 1: Cook the leeks and onion

Heat a large frying pan over medium heat, then add the oil. When hot, add the leeks and onion, and sauté for 15 minutes until soft. Add the garlic after 10 minutes of cooking. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 2: Make the sauce

Sprinkle over the flour and stir for 1-2 minutes, then slowly stir in the stock. Add the ham, crème fraîche and mustard, and stir together. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Set aside to cool slightly.

Step 3: Prepare the pastry

Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface with a flour-dusted rolling pin until it is about 2-3mm thick. Cut a strip of pastry the same width as the rim of your pie dish. Lightly brush the edge of the dish with a little of the beaten egg yolk and fix the strip around it.

Step 4: Assemble the pie

Spoon the filling into the pie dish. Brush the top of the pastry strip with egg yolk, then lay over the remaining pastry, press down lightly and crimp the edge. Cut off the excess pastry to trim the edge. Use a small knife to cut a steam hole in the centre, then insert a small funnel made from foil to release the steam while baking. Leave the pie to chill for at least 20 minutes before baking.

Step 5: Bake the pie

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220°C, fan 200°C, gas 7. When you’re ready to bake the pie, brush the surface with egg yolk. Place the pie on a baking sheet and bake for 35-45 minutes, or until the filling is piping hot and the pastry is well-risen and golden brown. Set aside to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

how to make Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie

How do I serve Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie?

I serve Mary Berry ham and leek pie as a main course for dinner, usually with mashed potatoes and peas on the side. The potatoes are soft and buttery, and they go well with the sauce. The peas add some colour and freshness to the plate. I also like to serve some extra mustard or gravy for dipping the pastry.

What I do Serve With Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie

Some other dishes that I can serve with Mary Berry ham and leek pie are:

  • A green salad with a simple dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. This adds some crunch and freshness to the meal, and helps balance out the richness of the pie.
  • Roasted carrots and parsnips with honey and thyme. These are sweet and tender, and they add some colour and flavour to the plate. They also complement the ham and leek filling well.
  • Steamed broccoli or green beans with butter and garlic. These are simple and healthy, and they add some greenery and texture to the meal. They also go well with the creamy sauce.
  • Bread rolls or garlic bread. These are soft and warm, and they are great for soaking up any leftover sauce. They also make the meal more filling and satisfying.

Tips And Tricks to Make the Best Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie

Here are some tips and tricks to make this ham and leek pie even better:

  • You can use any cooked ham for this recipe, such as smoked or honey-roasted ham. You can also use bacon or pancetta instead of ham, but make sure to fry them first until crisp before adding them to the sauce.
  • You can add some grated cheese to the sauce for extra flavour and richness. Cheddar, gruyere or parmesan would work well.
  • You can use shortcrust pastry instead of puff pastry if you prefer. You can also make your own pastry from scratch if you have time.
  • You can make this pie ahead of time and chill or freeze it before baking. Just add an extra 10 minutes of baking time from chilled or an extra 20 minutes from frozen.
  • You can reheat any leftovers in a preheated oven at 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4 for 15-20 minutes or until hot throughout.

How do I store Mary Berry Ham And Leek Pie?

You can store the unbaked pie in the fridge for up to 24 hours, or in the freezer for up to 3 months. Make sure to wrap the pie well with cling film or foil, and label it with the date. When you are ready to bake the pie, you can do so from chilled or frozen, but add an extra 10 minutes of baking time from chilled or an extra 20 minutes from frozen.

How do I reheat Mary Berry Banana Muffins?

You can store the baked pie in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days, or in the freezer for up to 3 months. Make sure to let the pie cool completely before storing it, and label it with the date. When you are ready to reheat the pie, you can do so in a preheated oven at 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4 for 15-20 minutes or until hot throughout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this ham and leek pie recipe:

Can I use chicken instead of ham?

Yes, you can use cooked chicken instead of ham for this recipe. You can use leftover roast chicken or rotisserie chicken, or cook some chicken breasts or thighs in a pan until done and then shred or chop them.

Can I use sour cream instead of crème fraîche?

Yes, you can use sour cream instead of crème fraîche for this recipe. You can also use double cream, single cream or half-and-half. The sauce will be slightly thinner with these alternatives, so you may need to add more flour to thicken it.

Can I use leek and potato soup instead of making the sauce from scratch?

Yes, you can use leek and potato soup instead of making the sauce from scratch for this recipe. You can use canned or homemade soup, and add some mustard and ham to it. You may need to reduce the amount of stock or water in the soup to make it thicker.

Final Words

I hope you enjoyed this blog post on how to make Mary Berry’s ham and leek pie. This is a classic and comforting dish that is perfect for any occasion. It is easy to make with simple ingredients and ready-made pastry, and it tastes amazing with mashed potatoes and peas. You can also customize it with different types of ham, cheese or pastry, and make it ahead of time or freeze it for later. This is a recipe that you will want to make again and again!

If you have any questions or comments about this recipe, please leave them below. I would love to hear from you and see how your pie turned out. And if you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family. Thank you for reading!

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