Hairy Bikers Apple Pie Recipe

Hairy Bikers Apple Pie Recipe
Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 30 Mins Cook Time: 40 Mins Total Time: 1 Hr 10 Mins

The Hairy Bikers’ Apple Pie is a classic dessert, beloved for its perfect blend of sweet, tender apples encased in a flaky, golden pastry. This pie is not just a treat; it’s a celebration of simple, yet delightful flavors, making it a perfect choice for family gatherings, cozy weekends, or any time you crave a slice of comfort.

In this article, I’ll guide you through each step of creating the Hairy Bikers’ Apple Pie, ensuring your baking experience is straightforward and enjoyable. Plus, I’ll share some helpful tips to get that perfect pie every time.

What is Hairy Bikers Apple Pie?

Hairy Bikers Apple Pie is a delicious dessert recipe from the British TV chefs and food enthusiasts, the Hairy Bikers. It is a classic apple pie with a flaky and buttery pastry, a juicy and tender apple filling, and a golden and crisp crust. The Hairy Bikers use some unusual ingredients, such as semolina flour and sultanas, to add more texture and flavor to their pie. They also share their secrets for making the perfect pastry and achieving the best results. Hairy Bikers Apple Pie is a simple yet satisfying treat that can be enjoyed any time of the year.

This recipe serves about 6-8 people and takes roughly 1 to 1.5 hours to prepare and bake.

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Why You Love this Recipe

There are many reasons to love this recipe, but here are some of the main ones:

  • Ease of Preparation: The recipe is user-friendly, with straightforward instructions, ensuring a hassle-free baking process.
  • Accessible Ingredients: All components are readily available in supermarkets, making this pie an accessible option for everyone.
  • Customizability: This versatile recipe allows for personalization with various apples, spices, or nuts, catering to different taste preferences.
  • Universal Appeal: Its universal appeal makes it a perfect dessert for both adults and children, suitable for any gathering.
  • Comforting and Indulgent: This dessert pairs wonderfully with clotted cream, ice cream, or custard, offering a truly indulgent experience.

Ingredients Needed to Make Hairy Bikers Apple Pie

For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

For the pastry:

  • 425g / 15oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 100g / 3.5oz caster sugar
  • 250g / 9oz unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
  • 1 free-range egg, beaten
  • 2 free-range egg yolks

For the filling:

  • 100g / 3.5oz sultanas
  • 1/2 orange, juice only
  • 1 tbsp semolina flour
  • 8 large cooking apples, peeled, core removed, flesh finely sliced
  • 100g / 3.5oz golden caster sugar, plus extra for dusting
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 free-range egg, beaten
  • clotted cream, to serve

Useful Equipment

You will also need the following equipment:

  • A food processor
  • A high-sided 20cm/8in spring form cake tin
  • A rolling pin
  • A fork
  • A knife
  • A pastry brush
  • A bowl
  • A baking tray
  • Greaseproof paper
  • Rice or dried beans
  • Cling film

Instructions to Make Hairy Bikers Apple Pie

Before you start, make sure to do the following:

  • Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
  • Grease the cake tin with butter and dust it with flour, shaking out any excess.
  • Place the baking tray in the oven to preheat.
  • Soak the sultanas in the orange juice for 30-40 minutes, or until plump.

Step 1: Make the pastry

The first step is to make the pastry, which will form the base and the lid of the pie. Here’s how to do it:

  • In a food processor, blend the flour, salt, sugar, and butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
  • Gradually add the beaten egg and the egg yolks and blend until smooth and well combined.
  • Bring the dough together with your hands, wrap it in cling film, and transfer to the fridge to chill for 30-45 minutes.

Step 2: Blind bake the pastry base

The next step is to blind-bake the pastry base, which means partially cooking it without the filling. This will prevent the pastry from becoming soggy and ensure a crisp and flaky texture.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Roll out two-thirds of the chilled pastry on a lightly floured surface, until it is almost twice as wide as the diameter of the cake tin.
  • Using the rolling pin, lift the pastry and lay it over the cake tin to line the base and sides. Gently press the pastry into the corners of the tin, trimming off any excess pastry.
  • Prick the base of the pastry case several times with a fork.
  • Cover the pastry with a sheet of greaseproof paper and fill it with rice or dried beans.
  • Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the pastry is pale golden brown.
  • Remove from the oven, discard the beans and greaseproof paper, and leave the pastry to cool.
  • Reduce the oven temperature to 170C/325F/Gas 3.

Step 3: Make the filling

The third step is to make the filling, which is the star of the show. You’ll need some juicy and tart cooking apples, some sweet and spicy sultanas and cinnamon, and some semolina flour to thicken the juices. Here’s how to do it:

  • Sprinkle the semolina flour over the base of the cooled pastry case.
  • Arrange half of the apple slices in a single layer on the base of the pastry case.
  • Scatter the apple layer with the soaked sultanas, then sprinkle over half of the caster sugar and half of the cinnamon.
  • Repeat the process with the remaining apple slices, sugar, and cinnamon.

Step 4: Make the pastry lid

The fourth step is to make the pastry lid, which will seal the pie and create a beautiful golden crust. Here’s how to do it:

  • Roll out the remaining one-third of pastry on a lightly floured surface, until it is large enough to cover the cake tin.
  • Brush the rim of the pastry case with some of the beaten egg and place the pastry lid on top of the pie. Trim off any excess pastry.
  • Seal the pastry lid to the pastry case by crimping the edges of the pastry lid with a fork.
  • With a knife, make two small holes in the center of the pastry lid to allow steam to escape.
  • Brush the pastry lid with the remaining beaten egg, then transfer to the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until golden brown.

Step 5: Serve and enjoy

The final step is to serve and enjoy your delicious apple pie. Here’s how to do it:

  • Remove the pie from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes before removing it from the cake tin.
  • Dust the pie with some extra caster sugar and cut into slices.
  • Serve with some clotted cream on the side and enjoy.
Hairy Bikers Apple Pie
Hairy Bikers Apple Pie

What Do I Serve With Hairy Bikers Apple Pie?

While the Hairy Bikers Apple Pie is delightful on its own, complementing it with the right accompaniments can elevate the overall taste experience:

  • Clotted Cream: A traditional favorite, clotted cream adds a creamy and luxurious texture that enriches the pie’s fruity warmth.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream: Classic and ever-popular, vanilla ice cream provides a refreshing contrast with its cool, creamy smoothness, enhancing the pie’s warm filling.
  • Custard: A nod to classic desserts, smooth custard envelops each bite with its velvety richness, augmenting the pie’s innate sweetness.
  • Whipped Cream: For a lighter touch, whipped cream offers a fluffy, airy complement, creating a delightful balance with the pie’s rich flavors.
  • Caramel Sauce: Introduce a decadent twist with caramel sauce, adding a deep, sweet layer that intensifies the pie’s delectable taste.

Hairy Bikers Apple Pie Recipe

Pro Tips to Make Perfect Hairy Bikers Apple Pie

Mastering this apple pie involves attention to detail, as suggested by the Hairy Bikers:

  • Pastry Preparation: Utilize cold butter and water for a flakier crust. Chilling the pastry prior to rolling it out enhances handling and prevents shrinking during baking.
  • Blind Baking: Pre-baking the base is key to achieving a crisp texture, safeguarding against sogginess.
  • Semolina Flour Use: A sprinkle of semolina flour on the base soaks up extra juices, ensuring a perfect filling consistency.
  • Sultanas Soaking: Soaking sultanas in orange juice enriches them with moisture and flavor, adding a juicy burst to each bite.
  • Apple Arrangement: Place apple slices in a single layer for uniform cooking and a neat presentation.
  • Pastry Lid Sealing: Ensure the pastry lid is well-sealed to maintain the integrity of the filling and allow proper steam release.
  • Venting the Lid: Small holes in the pastry lid are essential for steam escape, preventing the crust from splitting.
  • Egg Wash for Finish: An egg wash gives the pie a shiny, golden appearance, while a final sprinkle of caster sugar adds a pleasing crunch.

Variations of Hairy Bikers Apple Pie

Personalize your apple pie with these creative adaptations:

  • Apple Variety: Try different apple types like Granny Smith for tartness or Honeycrisp for a sweeter profile.
  • Nut Integration: Introduce textures with nuts such as walnuts or almonds, adding a satisfying crunch.
  • Fruit Additions: Enhance sweetness and color by adding raisins, cranberries, or cherries.
  • Spice Infusion: Incorporate spices like nutmeg, cloves, or ginger for an added depth of warm flavors.
  • Topping Alternatives: Experiment with visually appealing toppings like a lattice pattern or a crumble for varied textures.

How do I store Hairy Bikers Apple Pie Leftovers?

If you have any leftovers of Hairy Bikers Apple Pie, you can store them in the following ways:

  • At room temperature: You can keep the pie in an airtight container or cover it with foil or cling film, and store it at room temperature for up to 2 days.
  • In the fridge: You can keep the pie in an airtight container or wrap it with foil or cling film, and store it in the fridge for up to 4 days.
  • In the freezer: You can freeze the whole pie or individual slices, wrapped tightly with foil or cling film, and store them in the freezer for up to 3 months.

How do I reheat Hairy Bikers Apple Pie Leftovers?

If you want to reheat Hairy Bikers Apple Pie leftovers, you can do it in the following ways:

  • In the oven: You can preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4, and place the pie or slices on a baking tray. Cover them loosely with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until heated through and crisp.
  • In the microwave: You can place the pie or slices on a microwave-safe plate and cover them loosely with a damp paper towel. Microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until heated through and soft.
  • On the stove: You can cut the pie or slices into smaller pieces and place them in a saucepan over low-medium heat. Add a splash of water and cover with a lid. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until heated through and moist.

Nutrition value per serving:

  • Calories: 676 kcal
  • Fat: 32.8 g
  • Carbohydrates: 91.5 g
  • Protein: 8.6 g
  • Fiber: 5.3 g
  • Sugar: 46.9 g
  • Sodium: 203 mg


How do I prevent the pastry from shrinking in the oven?

To prevent the pastry from shrinking, make sure to chill it before rolling it out and before baking it. This will help the butter in the pastry to firm up and prevent it from melting too quickly in the oven. You can also avoid stretching the pastry too much when lining the cake tin, as this will cause it to snap back when baked.

How do I know when the apple pie is done?

You can tell when the apple pie is done by checking the color and texture of the pastry and the filling. The pastry should be golden-brown and crisp, and the filling should be bubbling and tender. You can also insert a knife or a skewer into the center of the pie and see if it comes out clean and hot.

How do I prevent the apple pie from being too dry or too wet?

To prevent the apple pie from being too dry or too wet, you need to balance the amount of moisture and starch in the filling. The moisture comes from the apples and the orange juice, and the starch comes from the cornflour and the semolina flour. The moisture helps to cook the apples and make them juicy, and the starch helps to thicken the juices and prevent them from leaking out. You can adjust the amount of moisture and starch according to the type and ripeness of the apples you use, and the preference of your taste.

How do I make the apple pie more flavorful?

To make the apple pie more flavorful, you can add some extra ingredients and spices to the filling and the pastry. For example, you can add some nuts, raisins, or cherries to the filling, for some extra crunch and sweetness. You can also add some other spices, such as nutmeg, cloves, or ginger, to the filling, for some extra warmth and flavor. You can also add some lemon juice or zest to the pastry, for some extra tanginess and freshness.

Final Words

There you have it, a complete step-by-step guide on how to make the Hairy Bikers’ apple pie recipe.

This is a foolproof and easy recipe that will impress your family and friends with its amazing taste and texture. You can also customize it by adding some nuts, raisins, or other spices to the filling, or by using different types of apples. The possibilities are endless. I hope you found this article helpful and informative.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. And if you try this recipe, please let me know how it turned out. I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading and happy baking.

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